Study Tips /
Planning Work

Study Tips / Planning Work - Note Taking

Note taking can seem very straight forward, but there is an art to it!

You should decide whether you can refer to your handwriting or your typed notes.

Either method that you choose is important for recall and comprehension.

? Handwritten notes? OR Typed notes?

Check out these sites for assistance:

Article: The Pen Is Mightier Than theKeyboard: Advantages of Longhand Over Laptop Note Taking - Pam A. Mueller,Daniel M. Oppenheimer, 2014 (

Note-taking apps: Evernote, OneNote, Google Keep, Simplenote, StandardNotes.

Some tips to make note taking easier for you:

  • Choose your preferred method
  • Be brief
  • Document how you felt and why you are noting something down (this will help you when you refer to your notes and is a good memory trigger)
  • Bookmark and collect publication information as you go.