Starting at

Taking Care
of Yourself

Taking Care of Yourself

This might seem obvious, but it can easily be overlooked in what is to become your hectic new life. Your training has prepared you to work under pressure, but this is not sustainable across a whole semester. You must pay attention to yourself and take steps to ensure that you not only manage your work/life/study balance but that you enjoy it as well.  

  • Establish a routine - set it up and stick to it. Make a routine that is realistic and manageable, and that works for you and your family.
  • Exercise and diet - try to maintain your health and fitness regime, as the benefits for your overall health and well-being are huge. Although you may be used to stress in your work life, you may find that trying to balance your increasingly busy life takes its toll on your health.  
  • Use the university resources. There are many Student Support Services that can help you with many aspects of university life, including timetabling, applying for assessment extensions, special consideration help, help with assessments, counselling and medical services, library staff support, and veteran support services that can include transition programs, and Student Veterans societies and clubs.
  • Connect to other students. Connecting with other students on campus is crucial for veterans during university as it fosters social integration, offers peer support for unique challenges, provides academic assistance, creates networking opportunities, and cultivates camaraderie through shared experiences. The connections you form will help you transition into uni life smoothly, ensuring academic success and overall wellbeing throughout your university journey.

Only a few universities have veteran support services. Theseservices and social groups can make your transition to university easier, andyou will start to feel that you belong and will be better equipped for this newstage of your life. The Campus Services at your university can direct you tosupport, and this information is also on the Student Portal website.

Follow this link to a list of universities that have this support in place

If your university does not offer specificveteran support, you will find that the central student services will directyou to the support available to all students.